

equality equity的相關標籤

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作為一個城市的任命職員,我們常常會收到不同團體的聲音。有追求絕對平等的聲音,有支持更多資源援助弱勢、在台北火車站的討論,兩者都有。 請朋友簡述概念「公平」概念 我個人的立場,則是屬於後者。 As a public servant in a major global city, I always seek to ensure that I listen to diverse voices. The recent discussion about the access to public spaces at Taipei Main Station made me ponder over the concepts of equality and equity. After all, it is our responsibility to make sure we protect social rights of vulnerable groups. I asked a friend to describe those two concepts, and I am clearly a proponent of equitable approaches. #taiwan -- 其實圖解的很易懂懂,很適合國中小、高中的小單元,結合英文實際運用的公民概念。
